Wrestling Roster
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This will allow you to rapidly assign wrestlers to one participation level or another.
ID | V/J | Seed Weight | Wrestler | Team |
Exhibition | 63 | Amberger, Sean | North Hunterdon | |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Felter, Mason | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Friedel, Axel | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Gattone, Hunter | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Gaughan, Mark | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Hunt, Nathan | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Ippolito, Jack | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Kelman, Benjamin | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Kumpf, Aiden | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Lance, Tyler | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Pino, Joseph | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Prendergast, Henry | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Rush, Cameron | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Sarnowski, Alesander | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 0 | Schumann, Caleb | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 45 | Dagusto, Wyatt | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 53 | Banken , Chris | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 80 | Ponte , Liam | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 85 | Donovan, Patrick | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 90 | Prendergast, Connor | North Hunterdon |
Move to No Seed | JV | 95 | Eberstein, Caleb | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 0 | Frondorm, Lincoln | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 0 | Grivner, Jack | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 0 | Kenon, Hunter | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 0 | Mackiewicz, Lucas | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 0 | McGuinness, Kellan | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 0 | Palmer, Henry | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 0 | Poulsen, Cameron | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 0 | Poulsen, Julian | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 45 | Eisenhart, Thomas | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 45 | Engelhardt, Conal | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 45 | Esposito, Daniel | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 45 | Frondorf, Dominic | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 45 | Frondorf, Lincoln | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 45 | Hunt, John | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 50 | Bury, Finn | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 50 | Parcel, Cash | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 57 | Henry, Kenny | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 57 | Parcel, Ryder | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 57 | Tsihlas, Nicholas | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 60 | Jafri, Zak | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 60 | lyon, Colin | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 63 | Armitt, John | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 63 | banken, Thomas | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 63 | Ponte, Logan | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 73 | Kennon, Logan | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 73 | Piccinich, Dillion | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 77 | Dangell, Dean | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 77 | Markaritis, Greg | North Hunterdon |
Move to JV | NoSeed | 100 | Bachman, Gavin | North Hunterdon |
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