Wrestling Roster

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Roster Sort by Team | Seed Weight

FYI: To move wrestlers from one status to another, click on the team name to the left.
This will allow you to rapidly assign wrestlers to one participation level or another.

ID V/J Seed Weight Wrestler Team
Move to No Seed JV 50 Jones, Ryker Warren Hills
Move to No Seed JV 50 Ricevuto, Lorenzo Warren Hills
Move to No Seed JV 53 Snider, Tommy Warren Hills
Move to No Seed JV 80 Berger, Brayden Warren Hills
Move to No Seed JV 85 Quezada, Alberto Warren Hills
Move to No Seed JV 85 Zawoysky, Jonathon Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 45 Newbold, Pj Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 50 Deemer, Oakley Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 50 Pucci, David Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 53 Gabrys, Alexander Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 57 Stamm, Donovan Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 60 Breheney, Liam Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 60 Brus, James Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 60 Jockel, Armie Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 63 Cortes, Chace Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 67 Amore, Hunter Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 67 Quezada, Aiden Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 70 Hrunka, Ray Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 73 Harper, Chase Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 73 Leh, Cameron Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 77 Jones, Hunter Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 90 Helmer, Connor Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 100 Tresslar, Tristan Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 110 Ruccio, Pj Warren Hills
Move to JV NoSeed 120 Dominguez, Logan Warren Hills

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